Are you ready for the unexpected?

September 8, 2009

Two Steps Forward, One Back

Walking in sand is difficult. But walking uphill in loose sand to get to the trail made me wonder if I was going to make it. I had my grandson, Isaac, on my shoulders. Two steps forward, one step sliding back; two forward, one back. When I got to the top I turned to gaze back at my path of progress.

That's how my faith progresses. Trusting Jesus is relational, from first to last. I trust Him more and more -- His grace and love, His wisdom, His truth and knowledge, His timing. And He lovingly brings me along. Even patiently -- two steps forward, one back, two forward.

So here are some of my stories.


  1. Blessings, Dave, as you embark on your blog. If you decide to sign up followers, I'd feel privileged to join them.

  2. thank you Dave. I'm so glad you are sharing your stories of God's work!


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