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March 5, 2025

Did The Church Replace Israel?

Many Christians believe that the Church replaced Israel as God’s chosen people. Perhaps not so much in American Christianity, but throughout the world that belief is widely held. It might seem logical, since Israel rejected their Messiah, and insisted that Jesus be crucified on a cross like a common criminal. But what does God have to say about Israel?  

This question lies at the heart of amillennialism, a widespread belief about the end times that rejects the concept of Christ returning to establish a 1000-year kingdom on earth. They believe that Christ’s second coming will institute the final judgment and initiate the eternal kingdom. In that line of thought there is no room for the restoration of Israel as the prophets of old foretold. So they believe that all of Israel’s promises and blessings were transferred to the Church. In other words, the Church replaced Israel.

Paul anticipated this question and addressed it at length in Romans 11. He was probably motivated by the fact that he, himself, was a Jew, and he wanted his fellow Jewish brethren to understand that their calling and their place in the heart of God was not forever forfeited. But he also wanted the Gentile Church to not become arrogant, thinking that they permanently replaced Israel as the branches of the olive tree. God turned Israel over to disobedience so that He could have mercy on them, just He had mercy on the Gentiles (Rom 11:31). Furthermore, Paul says that God’s gifts and calling are irrevocable (Rom 11:29). Only if the sun and moon cease to shine, declares the Lord, “will Israel ever cease being a nation before me” (Jer 31:35-36). God is not fickle, like humans tends to be. He did not retract his gifts and calling from Israel and give them to someone who might appreciate them more.

The restoration of Israel in the Millennial kingdom is foretold over and over in the Old Testament prophecies. Whenever the Day of the Lord is mentioned, it included invasion of the holy land by the nations, ransacking and destruction of Jerusalem, and great loss of life in a massive war (Zech 14). That correlates to Revelation 17, the battle of Armageddon, where it is prophesied that an alliance of ten Arab nations will invade Israel, and then be defeated by Messiah at His second coming.

But the restoration of Israel is also included in the prophesies of the Day of the Lord (especially Jeremiah 31-33). The remnant that survives the cataclysmic destruction of Armageddon will stand in awe of their Messiah. They will believe in the one they rejected (Zech 12:10). In that sense they will all be saved (Rom 11:26). Their land will be restored and their temple rebuilt, by King Jesus. God’s glory will once again be bestowed upon Israel, and they will be a blessing to the nations.

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