Are you ready for the unexpected?

February 24, 2025

Reality Check

It seems that World War 3 could erupt any time now. Let’s call that war by its Biblical name, though -- Armageddon. There simply is not enough time left before the end of the age to pencil in two great wars. Armageddon is next, and it is soon. The “axis of evil” powers are becoming more and more emboldened. The era of American hegemony is coming to an end. Like Ralphie exploding and pounding the bully in the movie, “Christmas Story”, many suppressed nations are ready to unleash on America and NATO. Putin is no friend of America, he is the first Ralphie. But China, Iran, North Korea, and others will join the fight. Their patience with American domination is coming to an end.

Most people would seem to agree that world tensions are becoming explosive. That fear is amplified in America by a foreboding anticipation that America may soon crash due to extreme polarity, inflation, financial collapse, and nuclear threats. Furthermore, Christians know and understand that Armageddon will focus on Israel – Biblical prophecy makes that very clear. The escalation of the Israeli war with all its Arab terrorist neighbors is probably not going to subside. It is a pre-cursor to that great battle at the end of the age.

So maybe we need to do a reality check. How does this build-up to the end of the age reconcile with the theory of a seven-year Tribulation? Christians in America have been taught that they will be raptured before turmoil and judgment begins. Th first three and a half years of the Great Tribulation are supposed to be peaceful, a conciliatory one-world government under Antichrist. It is not until the midpoint of the Tribulation that Antichrist is supposed to become evil and destructive, and turn on Israel.

With world and national tensions at a flashpoint and buildups to war so ready to explode, can we really expect that all will simmer down and become calm for three and a half years before the lid comes off the boiling pot? This is a reality check, so be honest. That is not likely to happen.

What is more likely is that we have our theology misconstrued, and the timeline of the end of the age is different than what we have been taught to expect. What if there is no seven-year Tribulation? Then Christians, worldwide, will endure all the many trials and tribulations leading up to the end. Christians in America, particularly, will be caught in the crosshairs of God’s judgment upon their nation. America will be destroyed (Danel 7:11-12) – some time before the final buildup to Armageddon. We do not have a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. We will go through much suffering – even death, mourning and famine (Rev 18:8).

Jesus told us to be ready for his coming. He did not mean just the rapture, rather, the whole end of the age. In the Old Testament the end of the age is called the Day of the Lord. Amos criticized the Jews for looking forward to the Day of the Lord (Amos 5:2), because all they were looking forward to was the restoration of Israel, not the incredible destruction and judgment which would come first. Christians have a similar view of the end of the age. We expect to be raptured before tribulation, and return with Christ to be part of His Kingdom. Reality check, again. Jesus told us to be ready – ready for what? For rapture, or for tribulation and turmoil? He was warning believers to be ready, as well as the unsaved, knowing that even the saints must be prepared to stand firm in the face of destruction and suffering that will be intense at the end of the age. Jesus warned that many will fall away. But the truly faithful will hang on to their blessed hope -- they will be redeemed at the Second Coming of Christ, rescued from the throes of world tumult and decimating warfare in Israel, and spared the wrath of God to be meted out in the seventh trumpet and bowl judgment.



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