Are you ready for the unexpected?

August 1, 2024

Judgment or Rapture?



“For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household.

 (I Peter 4:17).

Americans think that we are the most blessed nation of the world. The American dream is proof positive of God’s favor and goodwill to us. We enjoy wealth, pleasure, and leisure like no other nation in history. Be honest, we love it.

Furthermore, American Christians expect to be enjoying the good life right up until the time that Jesus comes to rapture them up. They are convinced that they will not suffer any of the judgments of God upon America or upon the world. Sadly, that kind of thinking is so enticing. But it stands as an impenetrable barrier to understanding the actual message of Biblical prophecy. America will be judged. In fact, America will be destroyed. And Christians will not escape that judgment, like we have been led to believe.

Amos, the prophet, said to Israel, to the whole family that God brought up out of Egypt: “You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins.” (Amos 3:2). The Jews were God’s chosen people -- called out, loved, blessed, and protected. But they suffered judgment, over and over. First, as slaves in Egypt for 400 years. Then they were raided by the Midianites, the Philistines, and enemies all around. The northern kingdom was slain and deported by Assyria. The southern kingdom was taken captive to Babylon. They were suppressed by one empire after another, but God always delivered them. In 70 AD, one million Jews were slain and the temple and city burned to the ground. They were dispersed to the four corners of the earth for 2000 years. Then came the Holocaust, in modern times, when Jews were imprisoned and killed by the millions in Nazi Germany. What do you think? Was God asleep at the helm, letting all this happen?

American Christians look forward to the second coming of Christ, but in two installments. They expect to be raptured before any tribulation, turmoil or persecution. They cannot conceive of being caught in the crosshairs of God’s judgment on America. In reality, though, the coming of the Lord will be a singular occurrence, not a two-part event. The rapture of the saints will occur after death, mourning, and famine have overtaken us (Rev 18:8). Most American Christians are like the Jews of old, to whom Amos prophesied: “Woe to you who long for the day of the Lord! Why do you long for the day of the Lord? That day will be darkness, not light” (Amos 5:18).

We have been hood winked into believing a lie, thinking that we will escape the judgment upon America. God told Jeremiah to tell Judah that they were going to be destroyed by the sword, famine, and plague. Jeremiah complained that the false prophets were telling them the opposite, that God was going to give them lasting peace. Guess who the people believed. God responded to Jeremiah, “those preachers were not sent by me. In their sermons, their books, and their teachings they are handing out deceiving lies and delusions” (cf. Jeremiah 14: 12-16).

And there you have it. I think we are in the same situation as in Jeremiah’s day. We believe a lie. We expect peace, safety, and wealth until the very day we are raptured off of the swim deck of the cruise ship. But God is warning us, prepare for death, mourning, and famine (Rev 18:8). Which are you expecting next on the horizon? Judgment, or rapture?

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