Are you ready for the unexpected?

March 1, 2024

America in Bible Prophecy


Over and over, I hear the question, "Is America mentioned in prophecy?" The clear and unmistakable answer usually falls on deaf ears. They want to toy around with the theological question rather than accept the obvious answer and then wrestle with the urgent ramifications. Hardly anyone cares to seriously consider the imminent and horrific repercussion of America's place in Bible prophecy.

America is actually a major theme of end times prophecy in the Bible. In my book, Right At The Door, I explain that America is the feet of clay in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2). America is the little horn in Daniel’s vision of the five beasts (Daniel 7). America is the beast of Revelation 13, confirmed in Revelation 17:9-10. And America is the prostitute that is hated by the eighth beast. That eighth beast, a ten nation Arab alliance, will bring the prostitute, America, to ruin -- eat her flesh, and burn her with fire (Rev 17:15-16). Soon, I might add. Like in the next few years. 

I have decided to quit belaboring the theological and interpretive explanation of America in Bible prophecy. Rather I plan to cry out, America will soon be destroyed…are you ready?1 That might get someone’s attention. They might react and check it out to see if they have been misled for many years. That would only be a few, though. Most will probably scoff at the idea and consider it fanatic or grandstanding. After all, most Americans think that our country is the most blessed country on earth. God loves us! Not only are we blessed, but we bless all the other countries on the earth.

I was at breakfast with a couple of friends, recently. We listened to an hour-long discussion of one of the men’s upcoming prostate surgery and urethra reconstructive surgery. I then decided to bring up my book and the key concepts that I think are most important – America is the Beast, there is no Tribulation, and the rapture will not rescue us before the Tribulation, or before the destruction of America and the start of Armageddon. Their response was discouraging. One of my friends said that he gets all his prophecy interpretation from listening to a favorite preacher online who gives weekly prophecy updates. I googled this preacher and noticed that every update ended with the reassurance that we will be raptured and not have to endure all the turmoil and destruction of the final days. The other friend said that the debate over prophecy is pointless and divisive, similar to debating creation. Some hold to an old earth and some hold to a new earth. As I was driving home, I thought about that response. I wish I had asked him, “Have I ever misled you in the 20 years that I have known you and been a teacher? Have I ever majored in insignificant and debatable details when it comes to what the Bible teaches?”

There you have it. America will soon be destroyed. And we will not be raptured ahead of time. You can leave the blinders on, or you can believe it and prepare your heart and your well-being for impending trials and tribulation.

1  The urgency of the message of America's impending destruction is evident in my book trailer found on Home | David Eymann , as well as in a Spotlight Interview I did with Logan Crawford, Revealing Secrets of the Book of Revelation ( .

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