If we
are rapidly cascading toward the end of the age, as Scripture prophecy seems to
clearly indicate, then you would expect to see some of the more significant features
of our age injected into the story. America’s dominance in world power, for
one. But another predominant aspect of the end times is
the electronic age. Do we see it in Revelation? Is electronics a key component
of the last days prophecies?
Undeniably! But not like you might expect, not in modern vernacular. Rather, in
an apocalyptic description, a vision that John could see and relate to in terms
and picture forms of his own culture.
The electronic age is the false prophet of the last half of Revelation
13, starting with a beast coming up out of the earth with two horns, seeming
like a lamb, but speaking like a dragon. And the description ends with the
enigmatic number, 666, often called the “mark of the beast”. For me, this is one
of the most intriguing visions in Revelation, once it is interpreted into the
real-world relevance of today. It is pinpoint accurate. Once again, history interprets
prophecy, not man’s conjecture.
is a rather recent invention, so far as world history is concerned. Actually,
electricity was discovered, not invented, in the 18th and 19th
centuries. But with its discovery many, many inventions have proceeded. The two
horns on the beast that comes out of the ground represent positive and negative
current. Why out of the ground? Because everyone knows that electricity does
not work without the electrical current returning to a ground rod. Why the lamb
and the dragon? The discovery and accompanying inventions all seem so innocent,
practical, and helpful at the start. But with the development of electronics
the innocent lamb became a false prophet, speaking like a dragon. The false
prophet imagery does not depict a man, like the Antichrist, or his right-hand
henchman. Rather the false prophet is a something, namely the electronic age of
the end times. The pronouns throughout Revelation 13, relating to both the
first and the second beast, should be translated “it”, not “he”.
does electronics live up to the designation, false prophet? Prophets purport to
dispense truth and wisdom and guidance. But a false prophet is deceiving,
misleading, and destructive, all the while pretending to be a lamb. It promises
life and truth, but delivers deception, bondage, and slavery.
13 speaks of the electronics age as creating images that could speak and
control, referring to television and computer screens in everyone’s’ home, and
the palm of their hand. Stop and realize how much our world – our morals, our
activities, our loyalties – are shaped by those images. The false prophet also
performed great signs, most notably, causing fire to come down from heaven to
the earth in full view of man. This is most assuredly referring to the atomic
bombs deployed on behalf of the first beast, America.
about the number, 666? It is not a number engraved on the forehead of wicked
unbelievers. And it is not to be relegated to a seven-year Tribulation period. “Solve
a riddle: Put your heads together and figure out the meaning of the number of
the beast. It’s a human number: 666” (Rev 13:18, MSG). The barcode was
invented in 1974, and used the number six to signify the beginning, midpoint
and ending of the scan. Barcodes, UPC labels, QR odes, smart cards, and all
forms of electronic codes have controlled commerce for the last fifty years.
You cannot transact business without electronics – buy or sell, inventory,
shipping, delivery, cash register – nothing. The number is readily observable, so
it is used as an identifier of the electronics age, the false prophet that
controls the end of the age.
there you have it, a very abbreviated version of chapter 3 in my book, Right
At The Door. The false prophet of Revelation 13 is the electronics age
of the end times, a very urgent sign and warning that the end is very near. If we
are rapidly cascading toward the end of the age, as Scripture prophecy seems to
clearly indicate, then you would expect to see some of the more significant features
of our age injected into the story. America’s dominance in world power, for
one. But another part of our end times culture that is massively significant is
the electronic age. Do we see it in Revelation? Is electronics a key component
of the last days prophecies?
Undeniably! But not like you might expect, not in modern vernacular. Rather, in
an apocalyptic description, a vision that John could see and relate to in terms
and picture forms of his own culture.
The electronic age is the false prophet of the last half of Revelation
13, starting with a beast coming up out of the earth with two horns, seeming
like a lamb, but speaking like a dragon. And the description ends with the
enigmatic number, 666, often called the “mark of the beast”. For me, this is one
of the most intriguing visions in Revelation, once it is interpreted into the
real-world relevance of today. It is pinpoint accurate. Once again, history interprets
prophecy, not man’s conjecture.
is a rather recent invention, so far as world history is concerned. Actually,
electricity was discovered, not invented, in the 18th and 19th
centuries. But with its discovery many, many inventions have proceeded. The two
horns on the beast that comes out of the ground represent positive and negative
current. Why out of the ground? Because everyone knows that electricity does
not work without the electrical current returning to a ground rod. Why the lamb
and the dragon? The discovery and accompanying inventions all seem so innocent,
practical, and helpful at the start. But with the development of electronics
the innocent lamb became a false prophet, speaking like a dragon. The false
prophet imagery does not depict a man, like the Antichrist, or his right-hand
henchman. Rather the false prophet is a something, namely the electronic age of
the end times. The pronouns throughout Revelation 13, relating to both the
first and the second beast, should be translated “it”, not “he”.
does electronics live up to the designation, false prophet? Prophets purport to
dispense truth and wisdom and guidance. But a false prophet is deceiving,
misleading, and destructive, all the while pretending to be a lamb. It promises
life and truth, but delivers deception, bondage, and slavery.
13 speaks of the electronics age as creating images that could speak and
control, referring to television and computer screens in everyone’s’ home, and
the palm of their hand. Stop and realize how much our world – our morals, our
activities, our loyalties – are shaped by those images. The false prophet also
performed great signs, most notably, causing fire to come down from heaven to
the earth in full view of man. This is most assuredly referring to the atomic
bombs deployed on behalf of the first beast, America.
about the number, 666? It is not a number engraved on the forehead of wicked
unbelievers. And it is not to be relegated to a seven-year Tribulation period. “Solve
a riddle: Put your heads together and figure out the meaning of the number of
the beast. It’s a human number: 666” (Rev 13:18, MSG). The barcode was
invented in 1974, and used the number six to signify the beginning, midpoint
and ending of the scan. Barcodes, UPC labels, QR odes, smart cards, and all
forms of electronic codes have controlled commerce for the last fifty years.
You cannot transact business without electronics – buy or sell, inventory,
shipping, delivery, cash register – nothing. The number is readily observable, so
it is used as an identifier of the electronics age, the false prophet that
controls the end of the age.
there you have it, a very abbreviated version of chapter 3 in my book, Right
At The Door. The false prophet of Revelation 13 is the electronics age
of the end times, a very urgent sign and warning that the end is very near.