Are you ready for the unexpected?

June 3, 2015

Are You Ready, America?

How could they miss it? How could they possibly miss it? There it was, a boat – a giant boat.  It was on the front page of every newspaper in the known world. A boat as large as a 40-story downtown high-rise, laid on its side. But only Noah was prepared to enter the ark, while everyone else ignored the sign, ignored the message, and carried on as usual (Mt 24:38). They had eyes, but did not see, ears, but did not hear.

Why? They assumed that the likelihood of a catastrophic flood was zero. Centuries later, when the magi came to Jerusalem asking where the King of the Jews was to be born, the religiously astute leaders told them the place – Bethlehem.  But did they go along? No. Why? They assumed that the likelihood of Messiah being born in their lifetime, in that podunk village of Bethlehem was zero. They did not see, they did not hear. The scriptures that they so revered were useless to a heart that could not understand, that would not believe. They were not prepared!

Christians in churches throughout America debate whether they are pre-trib, or not. Pre-millennial, or not.  But are any of them pre-pared?  How about you? Are you ready?

Ready for what? Jesus said, “Keep watch, because you do not know what day your Lord will come… You must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” (Mt 24:42,44) Are you ready to meet Jesus -- face to face, heart to heart, at any moment?

But are you ready for what will happen even before that?  God has revealed it pretty clearly, but most Christians in America consider the likelihood about zero.  Egypt was an incredible dynasty, for centuries, and could not fathom that it would ever falter, or collapse.  Assyria, the same. And the four beast empires of Daniel 7 – Babylon the lion, Persia the bear, Greece the leopard, and Rome, the terrifying beast – they all thought they would go on forever, that the likelihood of their demise was zero.

The seventh beast, the beast of Revelation 13, the great empire of America, will also collapse. Soon. Very soon.  Banks and retirement plans will fail, dollars will be hard to come by, and nearly useless. Water, food, gas, and electricity will be in short supply. Those who survive in the coming subsistence existence will be marked by love and community, sharing and caring, hard work and ingenuity. Are you ready, America?

Oh, yes, I almost forgot. This “prediction” doesn’t fit the plan of the end of the age as Christians have come to believe, especially in America. We have been taught that Christians will be raptured before a great seven-year Tribulation, and that any and all distress and judgment will come upon the world after we are gloriously rescued. If that is what you have been taught then you need to wake up and smell the roses. America is going down. The merchants of the world will watch in dumbstruck awe as she goes up in flames (Rev 18). An eighth beast will replace America, a beast with ten horns. This Arab alliance will oppress the world for just “one hour”, leading up to the return of Christ (Rev 17). We need to see, we need to hear, what God has prescribed, what is being fulfilled in our lifetime, almost certainly.  Are you ready, America?

The economic collapse of America is inevitable and imminent. While most are not willing to predict dates, they are profuse with evidence for its certainty. Like a trumpet warning of impending danger, God’s hand of judgment will serve also as a call to repent. How will we respond?

Theology is more than just talk!